Best suited for
New brands or businesses
Re-launching brands or businesses
Start-ups within established businesses
Established brands or businesses that want to reignite their marketing
Workshop Topics Inlucde:
Brand Strategy:
Create brand name, if needed
Define target audience(s) – who is most likely to need your product or service?
Define competitive positioning – what makes your brand or business unique?
Define value proposition – why should customers support your business?
Define brand personality and voice – how will your brand speak in marketing?
Marketing Plan:
Develop a realistic budget to meet your goals
Identify where to market to reach your audience(s) most efficiently
Define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how you will measure success
Digital Presence:
Identify key elements of your website that are needed to ensure findability
Develop a social media content calendar, if needed, and learn tips and tricks for reaching your audience(s) on social media